Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Welcome to Real Queer Life

So, you're here. Welcome! At this point, you're probably either a friend of mine who noticed I started a blog about my life, or you're someone who just Googled "queer" to find people to bash a bit before you said your prayers and went to bed. There will be no hate here; so if you're here to be mean, you won't be welcome. Now that that's out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nick and I'm 16 years old. I live in New York, U.S.A. I'm a musician, an athlete, and a member of a robotics team. My favorite color is purple and I have an unhealthy obsession with "Doctor Who". Alright, now it's time for everyone to really get to know me. Yes, I'm queer, and in more ways than you might think. For starters, I'm gender queer. Or, as I prefer to call it, gender fluid. This means that I can identify as male, female, both, neither, or any combination depending on how I feel. On that note, I should tell you about my preferred pronouns. I don't use these pronouns in public, but I would like people who read this blog to use "ze" and "hir" when addressing me (more on gender-neutral pronouns and how to use them in a later post). I'm also queer when it comes to my sexual orientation. Since terms like "gay" and "straight" are targeted for people who fit the gender binary (identify as male or female), I don't quite fit either of those terms. So, I identify as queer because it covers anything that isn't heterosexual. Finally, I'm queer because I''m just... different. I'm just a wacky person who's really awkward and absolutely loves people. I've got my pet peeves and quirks that even I don't understand, like a hatred for bad grammar. But I'm also human, plain and simple. I love, I laugh, I cry. You'll see all of those and more as I keep posting.


P.S. Comment on this post with any questions you have! I'll try to answer them in my next post.


  1. yay nick!!!! I am so proud of your bravery!

  2. "I've got my pet peeves and quirks that even I don't understand, like a hatred for bad grammar. But I'm also human..."

    You can't start a sentence with "but" like that, and it should be a comma after grammar.

    Good luck with your blog! I made one, if you remember (, but I've had to suspend it because of people stalking me for now.


  3. I don't have any questions, but I support you and this blog. I am all about breaking gender stereotypes and roles. I am also about bringing awareness to the fact that gender and sexual orientation is on a spectrum. The world is not black and white. Things are far from simple.

    Can't wait to read more!

