Sunday, June 23, 2013

Shit People Say to Asexuals

Here's a sexuality a lot of people don't understand: Asexuality. Without realizing it, people offend asexuals because they don't understand this sexual orientation. Here's some of the stuff people say to asexuals.

"How do you know that if you haven't had sex?": People can know their sexual orientation without having sex. People can know if their gay, straight, bi, or any other orientation without having sex with someone. Same goes for being asexual.

"You just haven't been fucked right.": No, that's not the case. Asexuals just are genuinely not interested in sex. It's not that they haven't found the right partner. They won't suddenly want sex after climbing into bed with someone. That's not how human beings work.

"So how do you reproduce? Mitosis?": Hardy har har. That joke isn't funny. Asexuals are not amoebas! They don't use budding or split in half to have kids. There is a huge difference between asexual reproduction (mitosis or budding) and being asexual. Remember, you're talking to humans, not bacteria.

"Isn't that the same as being celibate?": This question is rooted more in confusion than assholery. Being celibate is choosing to not have sex. Many priests and nuns are celibate. Many who are celibate use it as a way to get closer to a divine power. Asexuality is not being sexually attracted to anyone. Think of it this way: Celibacy is a choice, asexuality is not.

"So, sex grosses you out.": It honestly depends on the person. This is not necessarily the case for asexuals. Some are kind of freaked out by sex and some aren't. However, not liking the idea of sex is not what makes them asexual. Those are two completely different things. I was freaked out by sex for a while but that didn't make me asexual.

I hope you guys like "Shit People Say: A Series". I'm going to keep writing these kinds of posts until I run out of ideas. If you want to read more posts from the series, you can find a link at the top of the home page. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions leave them in the comments section below.

Lots of love,

P.S. I found this video on YouTube having to do with Shit People Say to Asexuals. Click below to watch it.


  1. Actually some asexuals are pretty grossed out by sex. They tend to be repulsed aces which means that they are ace and find the idea of sex to be repulsive. So talking about it, porn, pornographic images, sometimes sex sounds, etc. will gross them out and make them feel really uncomfortable. The level of uncomfortableness varies from repulsed ace to repulsed ace. The best thing you can do is if they ask you to stop then stop and don't push it or you will push them away from you.

    1. Thank you for this new information. I wasn't aware of that. I'll make sure to edit my post to include this new information. Thank you for helping me to understand asexuality.

  2. Hey Nick! I love your blog! I would be interested in a shit people say to lesbians if you have time to make one. DFTBA <3

    1. Thank you for the compliment and the suggestion! I'll be writing a "Shit People Say" post for lesbians soon. DFTBA all the way!

  3. Update your blog more frequently!!! Love you're Posts!

    1. Thank you! I'm working on adding more posts, but I have another project I'm working on that pairs nicely with this blog. It's called WeAreTheLGBT and it's a YouTube channel. I do weekly videos for this channel and I've been a bit absorbed with getting it started. Now that it's going smoothly I should be able to focus more on this blog.
